Single Portfolio
Design / 10.07.2020
Marketing & Advertising cases
Rise of Kingdoms Snapchat campaign (2019)
After posting a well-received filter Snapchat lens on Reddit, Lilith games – the developers of the popular mobile strategy game Rise of Kingdoms reached out to me for a new social campaign to increase player/community engagement.
With in-game assets provided by Lilith games, I developed 8 Snapchat lenses with the concept of turning viewers into game characters, able to initiate in-game special attack animations with their mouth movements. Due to the high shareability of the lenses paired with a submission event, the campaign was successful at increasing community engagement in additional of gaining organic reach for the brand Rise of Kingdoms.
Thesis research in Brand awareness from Interactive video advertisements (2019)
For the Greenhouse group, I’ve conducted an explorational research into implementing and using interactive video advertisements through VPAID channels. By making a partnership with Blue Billywig I was able to research brand awareness effects of Interactive video advertisements compared to linear advertisements.
Through a custom brand lift study for an Opel commercial, I was able to measure brand awareness and top of mind effects by providing viewers of the advertisement with he option to pick their own version of the advertisement through an interactive ‘chooser’ format. With the findings from this study, the interactive video campaign of NIVEA was designed and launched on VPAID.
Thesis research in open message interpretation of social AR advertisements (2020)
For my master thesis I’ve conducted research into the effects of openness in social Augmented reality advertisements. With ‘openness’, the amount of open interpretation of an advertisements message is indicated. Various research is done into this style of advertisement design; however, no up-to-date research was conducted with modern formats. Hence my exploratory research on this topic in the field of augmented reality advertising.
For this study, I’ve designed 3 fictional AR lens advertisements for EuroJackpot, Aquafresh and Ray-Ban, of which 2 for Snapchat and 1 for Instagram. By testing in a large scale online setting the study yielded interesting and relevant findings for the shareability of social AR advertisements as well as on branding effects.